Tuesday, January 11, 2011


I have never really made any goals or resolutions in the years past. This year though was very different for me. My biggest goal for 2011 is to be better and more intentional about reading. I would not call myself a reader by an means. Scott on the other hand is, he loves it:) And I love seeing him read ha ha, but never got motivated enough to do it myself. As most of you know i've fallen in love with photography and am pursuing it as a career. I want to watch every video/training, read every book, go to workshops, and simply take pictures as often as I can. Of course this is hard when living in the day to day. I'm still teaching kindergarten, involved with a fabulous bible study group that meets on Monday nights, doing my best to not neglect Scott and give him the attention he wants:), and starting a business with my brother in law all takes time. Don't get me wrong, I am loving every minute of this time in our lives and am very excited to see what the next few months have to hold.

The most important reading goal I made was to read the bible in one year, and so far I am on track and doing just that. God is most important to me and neglecting the Word is the worst thing I could do for myself. For Christmas I received a lot of photography books that I can't wait to start and finish reading as well. So...happy reading to me and i'm looking forward to all the great stuff i'll be learning:)

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