Friday, July 23, 2010


Was over my friend Angela's today. Kelley brought Parker and Jessica brought Calan:) Fun play date for us adults and all their children. The one who was willing for pictures though was Jasmine! She is super adorable and let me shoot away while she just sat there and "acted" annoyed ha ha. Then again, maybe she was. One day Scott and I would love a dog and if she's anything as cute as Jasmine then i'm looking forward to the day we get our own:)

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Justin & Chrissy's Engagement

I visited home last week to see family and friends. My dear friend Chrissy got engaged the first week I was home and I am so happy for her. I was honored to to be the one to take their engagement photos. I know Justin was a bit apprehensive with the idea of taking photos for a few hours, but Chrissy and I won that battle:) My mother-in-law lives by the Cleveland Metro Parks, where there is a castle. Once I heard about Squires Castle I had to convince them that we needed to do pictures there. Once Chrissy saw photos online she was as excited as I was. I mean, come on, a castle in Ohio! Awesome! I had a ton of fun spending time with them and getting to know Justin. He is a great guy and I'm so excited to see them again on their wedding day:)